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Succeed as a Distributed Agile Team
What this course covers (2:36)
Section 1: Hours of Overlap and Visualizing Workflow
1. Visualize Your Team’s Hours of Overlap (1:08)
2. Hours of Overlap (HOO) Chart (4:14)
3. Homework 1: Create Your Team’s Hours of Overlap Chart (0:40)
4. Cycle Time and the Value Stream: Why you want to see the hours of overlap. (4:35)
5. Walk through a Cycle Time/Value Stream Map from the book: A team inside four hours of overlap (4:50)
6. Look at the cycle time and consequences when a team doesn’t have 4 hours of overlap (7:18)
7. Recap Issues of Insufficient Hours of Overlap (1:20)
8. Homework 2: Map Your Team’s Cycle Time/Value Stream (1:35)
Section 2: Can Your Distributed Team Collaborate as an Agile Team?
1. Introduction to Assess Your Agile Team (1:54)
2. Necessary Skills and Capabilities? (2:41)
3. Common Goal? (3:38)
4. Interdependent? (4:11)
5. Learn to Understand Each Other (8:19)
6: Agile Teams Work Together (3:08)
6A: Plan and Deliver Together (4:55)
6B: Plan and Deliver Together - Pt 2 (3:30)
7: Reflect Together (6:37)
8. One Team Only (8:17)
9: Homework to Assess your agile team and Create Experiments (4:14)
Section 3: Create Your Distributed Team Environment
1. Introduction to the Tools Each Team Needs (2:10)
2. Every Distributed Team Needs These Tools (2:24)
3. Help People KNOW the Tools Fast (4:07)
4. Collaboration and Communication Tools: First, the Backchannel (5:40)
5. Collaboration and Communication Tools: Second, Meeting tools (4:01)
6. Multiple Open Channels Always (MOCA) (12:13)
7. Create Your Team’s Board as an Experiment (12:16)
8. Where is Your Internal Documentation Repository? (5:46)
9. Design Your Physical Space/Cockpit, Part 1: Where (7:06)
10. Design Your Physical Space/Cockpit, Part 2: Organize Your Space for Collaboration (8:43)
11. Homework - Your Distributed Team Environment (3:36)
Section 4: Create Your Distributed Agile Team
Introduction to Creating Your Distributed Agile Team (0:26)
1. Manage Your Team’s Offsets with Time-shifting (8:32)
2. Manage Your Team’s Offsets with Ambassadors or Copilots (6:48)
3. Start the Work From the East (6:58)
4. Working Agreements (7:17)
5. Homework - Assess Your Team (3:33)
Section 5: See Your Communication Options so you can Collaborate
1. Intro to Communication Options (1:13)
2. Meet in person (5:53)
3. Rich and Natural Communications (4:22)
4. Understand Your Asynchronous Communication options (4:22)
5. See Your Synchronous Communication Options (5:02)
6. Choose How You Use Your Synchronous Communication Options (6:42)
7. Set Working Agreements on How the Team Uses Communication Channels (3:16)
8. Communications Tips and Homework (2:22)
Section 6: Adapt Agile Practices Based on Principles and Context
1. Introduction to Distributed Agile Practices (2:30)
2. Distributed Retrospectives (4:47)
3. Homework for retrospectives practice (2:15)
4. Create a Rhythm for the Work (4:34)
5. Cadence and Flow (5:58)
6. Homework for Rhythm (1:04)
7. Planning to Learn (3:28)
8. Reconnect on the Work (2:44)
9. Learn from a Demo (3:37)
10. Thank you (0:23)
2. Necessary Skills and Capabilities?
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